Resources for Communities and Local Organizations
Federal Resources
​Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) provides Agricultural programs and services to support “innovation, sustainable farming, business development, risk management, trade and market development.”
AgPal is described as a “web-based discovery tool to help producers and others in the agriculture and agri-business sector.” There is a program and service finder, with filters such as region (Alberta), Who are you? (Non-profit or community organizations; Governments) and Which category? (Program).
Business Development Bank of Canada
The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) is a financial institution owned by the Government of Canada and is the primary vehicle by which the federal government supports Canada’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Among the financing available is a Small business loan and Working capital loan, as well as targeted loans, including a Commercial real estate loan or funding to support Indigenous entrepreneurs.
Canada Council for the Arts
The Canada Council for the Arts is “Canada’s public arts funder, with a mandate to foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts.” Funding is offered to professional Canadian artists, groups and organizations through grants, services, prizes, and payments. The grants are organized into six programs.
Canadian Heritage​
Canadian Heritage offers funding programs related to Culture, history and sport. Of the available programs, these may be of particular interest:
The Building Communities through Arts and Heritage program “increases opportunities for local artists; local artisans; local heritage performers or specialists; and local First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cultural carriers to be involved in their community through festivals, events and projects.” It also provides local groups the opportunity to commemorate their local history and heritage.
The Canada Arts Presentation Fund provides “financial assistance to organizations that professionally present arts festivals or performing arts series (arts presenters) and organizations that offer support to arts presenters.”
The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund “supports the improvement of physical conditions for arts, heritage, culture and creative innovation. The Fund supports renovation and construction projects, the acquisition of specialized equipment and feasibility studies related to cultural spaces.”
The Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program “supports the mandate of the Department of Canadian Heritage by building on Canada’s strength as a diverse and inclusive society.”
​Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation​
The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) offers Funding programs to “build or renovate affordable housing.” See also Other funding and financing opportunities.
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
​Crown-Indigenous Relations Canada (CIRNAC) offers Funding programs for Indigenous and northern communities and organizations. Some funding programs accept proposals through open calls for proposals with specific deadlines. Please note there are currently no open calls.
Please see also the list of open calls for proposals issued by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).
​Employment and Social Development Canada​
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) provides Funding programs for jobs, skills training, and social development projects. See the Funding programs that “support jobs, training, or social development in Canada.” You may wish to use the filters to find programs by theme or which are currently accepting applications. To receive notification emails for funding opportunities from ESDC, you may wish to subscribe online.
The following programs are available to non-profit organizations, among others:
New Horizons for Seniors Program: Please note that this program is currently closed.
Enabling Accessibility Fund: Please note that the Small Projects Component is currently open until 23 July 2024.
Canada Summer Jobs wage subsidy: Please note that this subsidy is currently closed.
Environment and Climate Change Canada​
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) offers Environmental funding that supports “environmental projects and for participation in impact assessments.”
Export Development Canada
Export Development Canada has been “helping large and small Canadian companies grow their business abroad since 1944.” See their suite of solutions that can help “offset the risks of doing business abroad, finance your deal, and access the working capital you need.”
Farm Credit Canada
Farm Credit Canada (FCC) offers the Agrispirit Fund, which supports capital projects in communities of fewer than 150,000 people. Municipalities are eligible applicants, while not-for-profit organizations may need to partner with a municipality to be eligible for funding. To find out more about the program, consult the FAQs or contact an FCC office. Please note that the deadline to apply closed on 15 May 2024 and will re-open in spring 2025.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) offers a variety of Funding opportunities for municipalities and municipal partners. See also Our programs, which includes the following:
The Green Municipal Fund offers “support for local governments in Canada pursing innovative projects that tackle climate challenges, reduce GHGs, and weave together solutions across multiple sectors, while also delivering environmental, economic and social benefits.” For further information, municipalities can visit the Funding opportunities and the FCM's Funding opportunity finder webpages or contact the FCM.
The Municipal Asset Management Program offers funding, training and resources to help strengthen asset management practices.
Global Affairs Canada​
Global Affairs Canada offers Canadian funding for international initiatives.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada​
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) offers Funding that helps “newcomers settle and adapt to life in Canada.” (Please note that there are no open or upcoming funding processes.)
Indigenous Services Canada​
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) offers Funding programs for Indigenous and northern communities and organizations.
Infrastructure Canada
Infrastructure Canada offers the Canada Community-Building Fund, which “is a permanent source of funding, offered up front, twice a year, to provinces and territories who in turn flow this funding to their municipalities to support local infrastructure priorities.” This fund is currently being renewed. You may wish to contact the Alberta government concerning this program for more information:
Canada Community-Building Fund – Alberta
Telephone: 780-422-7125
Email: ma.ccbfgrants@gov.ab.ca
​Innovation Science and Economic Development​
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) offers programs and initiatives including the following:
The Canada Small Business Financing Program is a federal loan guarantee program that is intended to help small businesses and not-for-profit organizations get easier access to financing from banks and credit unions. For more information, you may wish to consult the Helping small businesses get loans page, and the interactive map for finding a participating lender.
Justice Canada​
The Department of Justice provides funding to “community organizations and other levels of government that are working to support our mandate, mission and values. Our funding programs are designed to support Aboriginal communities, victims of crime, people with lower incomes, families and young people. We also support projects that help Canadians understand the law and access the justice system in both official languages.”
National Defence​
National Defence offers Funding programs.
National Research Council Canada​
The Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) “provides advice, connections, and funding to help Canadian small and medium-sized businesses increase their innovation capacity and take ideas to market.” Financial support is available to “small or medium‑sized Canadian business pursuing technology‑driven innovation.”
Natural Resources Canada​
Natural Resources Canada provides Funding opportunities including the following:
Open calls for project ideas and proposals for projects
Parks Canada​​
Parks Canada offers Funding for heritage places:
The National cost-sharing program for heritage places is “open to owners and eligible lessees of national historic sites, heritage lighthouses and heritage railway stations.” Please note that the call for project proposals for 2024-25 has ended. The next call for project proposals will be announced later this year.
Prairies Economic Development Canada
Prairies Economic Development Canada offers Funding for business and not-for-profits in the Prairie provinces that supports “businesses and not-for-profit organizations with projects that advance economic growth and diversity in the Prairie provinces” including Alberta. Funding programs include the following:
Public Health Agency of Canada​
The Public Health Agency of Canada offers Grant and contribution funding opportunities.
​Research Granting Councils (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR): Funding Programs
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC): Innovate
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): Funding
Telefilm Canada
Telefilm Canada offers Programs to support all stages of a feature film (from development to production and post-production), festivals, activities and cinemas that showcase Canadian content, and international programs.
Transport Canada
Transport Canada offers Programs that “support our commitment to a safe and secure transportation system that’s environmentally responsible and innovative.”
Veterans Affairs Canada
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) offers the following Funding programs for organizations:
Commemorative Partnership Program “provides funding to organizations undertaking remembrance initiatives.”
Veteran and Family Well-being Fund “provides grants and contributions to private, public or academic organizations to conduct research and implement initiatives and projects that support the well-being of Veterans and their families.”
Women and Gender Equality Canada
Women and Gender Equality Canada offers Funding programs and resources for organizations.
​Provincial Resources
Additional Resources
The Business Benefits Finder provides an opportunity to create a customized list of federal and provincial programs for businesses as well as not-for-profit organizations (please note that a filter for Alberta has already been applied.)
For federal funding, there is a general finder for Grants and funding from the Government of Canada.