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The Liberals’ Ego-Driven Firearms Policy

Writer: Damien C. KurekDamien C. Kurek

Violent and serious crime has intensified since the Liberals took office in 2015. Driven by a failed, double-pronged approach of being soft-on-crime while simultaneously stomping on the rights of law-abiding Canadians, the Liberals have managed to jeopardize the safety of Canadians more than ever before.

In the past few weeks, reports of political interference in the senseless killing of 22 people by a deranged gunman have inundated headlines across the nation. The written notes of Nova Scotia RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell, which was released as part of the Mass Casualty Commission probe, shows that in the early stages of the investigation, RCMP Commissioner, Brenda Lucki, pressured the RCMP referencing promises she made to the Minister and the Prime Minister. It is alarming to see once again just how low the Liberals will sink to push their agenda.

Many of the firearms used by gangs to terrorize our communities and to conduct numerous types of illegal activity are smuggled from the United States or from other points of entry. Illegal gun trafficking is a major issue that is largely overlooked in the context of the Liberals’ public safety policy. Preventing criminals from attaining weapons before they can commit violence should be the objective.

The circumstances surrounding Bill C-21 are further proof of the Liberals’ commitment to ignoring evidence on their political crusade to ban firearms. We want to see action on violent crime by all sides, but the Liberals and their Public Safety Minister need to put egos and partisanship aside for the sake of Canadians. While this is clear, the Liberals continue to take firearms away from those who follow the law and are also amending the criminal code to reduce penalties for serious crimes; ironically, this includes crimes committed with firearms (in a Bill known as C-5). The Trudeau Government is pushing law-abiding firearm owners into a corner while allowing violent recidivists to ravage communities, profit from the misery of others, and victimize Canadians.

My caucus colleagues and I have, and will continue to support, an evidence-based firearms policy. It’s time that Canada had a government that respects those who follow the rules, puts real criminals behind bars, targets repeat offenders, gangs, organized crime, and those involved in the smuggling of illegal guns.

I will continue to fight against the Trudeau government’s vilification and attacks on law-abiding firearms owners, and their hug-a-thug way of governance that prioritizes offenders over victims. Good folks who have lawfully acquired firearms and have PALs and RPALs are examples of good policy at work; while criminals who smuggle guns across the border for the purposes of illegal activity and commit serious crimes have made it loud and clear that they are not concerned with public safety.

It is an honour to serve as the Member of Parliament for Battle River-Crowfoot and to stand up for the folks here at home and law-abiding firearms owners across Canada.


Damien C. Kurek, M.P.

Battle River--Crowfoot 

4945 50 St  Camrose AB  T4V 1P9

Phone: 1.800.665.4358

Text: 403.575.5625

Social: @dckurek


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