Agricultural Resources
ALUS, originally an acronym for Alternative Land Use Services, is a charitable organization with an innovative community-developed and farmer-delivered program that produces, enhances and maintains ecosystem services on agricultural lands. Projects such as wetland restoration and enhancement, riparian buffers, shelterbelts, afforestation and native prairie grass restoration provide cleaner water and air, habitat, carbon sequestration and climate resiliency.
AgPal is described as a “one-stop shop for Canadian farmers and agri-businesses looking for information about agricultural resources, programs, services, market intelligence and research.” There is a database to search programs and services, with filters such as region, commodity and topic.
AgriInsurance Program
“is a federal-provincial-producer cost-shared program that stabilizes a producer's income by minimizing the economic effects of primarily production losses caused by severe but uncontrollable natural hazards.” Drought is included as a possible eligible peril.
AgriRecovery Livestock Feed Assistance
AgriRecovery is a federal-provincial-territorial disaster relief framework to help agricultural producers with the extraordinary costs associated with recovering from natural disasters. Eligible costs will be supported on the 60-40 cost-shared federal-provincial basis outlined under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
Applications for phase two of the Livestock Feed Assistance initiative are scheduled to open January 5, 2022.
AgriRisk Initiatives: Administrative Capacity Building Stream
The AgriRisk Initiatives: Administrative Capacity Building Stream supports the development of risk management tools. The new tools may respond to diseases in livestock and crops. Eligible activities include communications, advertising and marketing.
Agricultural Clean Technology Program
As part of the Government of Canada’s strengthened climate plan, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, the new Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program aims to create an enabling environment for the development and adoption of clean technology that will help drive the changes required to achieve a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream
The Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream “aims to create an enabling environment for the development and adoption of clean technology that will help drive the changes required to achieve a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.”
Agricultural programs and services
“support innovation, sustainable farming, business development, managing risk, trade and market development.”
Agriculture Job Connector (Government of Alberta)
Matching workers with employers to fill agriculture and agri-food jobs.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Information on weather and climate relevant to the agricultural sector, drought, interactive maps, geospatial data, soil and land resource information, crop protection, water quality and supply related to farming, Drought Watch.
Alberta Federation of Agriculture
Members are encouraged to use this page anytime to access current price indexes, research information and a variety of links to other websites to help keep you informed and up to date on the latest news that affect producers in Alberta.
Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute
The Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) is the place for agri-food leaders to come together, share insights and advance ideas on emerging issues facing this important sector. Established as an independent, non-partisan and not-for-profit corporation in 2004 with an initial grant from the federal government, CAPI is guided by a diverse Board of Directors and works extensively with partners to fulfill its mandate.
Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC)
The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council is a national, non-profit organization focused on addressing human resource issues facing agricultural businesses across Canada.
Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program
a federal loan guarantee initiative. The Lenders guidelines include a list of eligible loan purposes where you will find “Clearing, breaking, irrigating and reclaiming of land.”
Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program (CALA)
a “loan guarantee program designed to increase the availability of loans to farmers and agricultural co-operatives. Farmers can use these loans to establish, improve, and develop farms, while agricultural co-operatives may also access loans to process, distribute, or market the products of farming.”
Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP)
The Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) includes both federal programs and programs cost-shared by federal, provincial and territorial governments. In the federally-funded activities and programs, Innovative and Sustainable Growth mentions “helping farmers adapt to climate change, conserve water and soil resources, and grow their businesses sustainably to meet increasing global food demand sustainably.” CAP supports projects cost-shared with Alberta.
Canadian Agricultural Safety Association
As a national, non-profit organization, CASA promotes farm safety in the agricultural sector. CASA works with partners in government, business, and farming organizations across the country to support initiatives that equip producers, their families and their workers with the information and tools needed to make farms a safe place to live, work and play.
Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program
The Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (CASPP) has an objective "to provide funds for projects that address national or sector-wide priorities that help industry address emerging issues and capitalize on opportunities. ” Priority areas include adaptation to new technology and emerging issues.
Cereals Canada
Cereals Canada is a national, not-for-profit, industry association representing the Canadian cereal grains value chain. We value relationships and work with government and stakeholders to provide timely, expert technical information and deliver best-in-class customer experience. We are dedicated to supporting the Canadian cereals value chain including farmers, exporters, developers, processors and our customers around the world with a focus on trade, science and sustainability.
Chicken Farmers of Canada
The information and resources here are applicable to both reduced antimicrobial use and pathogen reduction.
Cleanfarms is a non-profit environmental stewardship organization. We work collaboratively with our members, partner agencies, and the government to ensure that Canadian farmers can actively contribute to a healthy environment and a sustainable future. Our programs create meaningful change, and offer a tangible way to address agricultural waste management and resource in the community.
Farm Credit Canada (FCC)
Farm Credit Canada (FCC) provides financing for agriculture, including “Financing for projects that keep your operation sustainable for the future.” The Contact Us web page will provide a local office.
Farm to School Canada Grants
The Farm to School Canada Grants program is transforming school food in Canada. Developed in partnership with Whole Kids Foundation in 2016, the grants provide schools with funding and training resources to implement a healthy meal service that allows students to choose from a variety of ingredients that are as locally and sustainably sourced as possible and allow students to experience hands-on food literacy activities and engage with the food system in their school community.
Federal agriculture funding programs and services in Alberta
Find agricultural resources that are delivered through the provincial government.
A relief program operated by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, working with farmers across Eastern and Central Canada to provide hay to drought stricken Western livestock producers.
Livestock Tax Deferral Provision
“allows farmers who sell part of their breeding herd due to drought or flooding in prescribed drought or flood regions to defer a portion of sale proceeds to the following year. When prescribed regions are identified, the list is announced publicly and posted to this web page.”
Provincial Resources
Find agricultural resources funded provincially.
Search all Agricultural Supports
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) provides a means to filter all funding opportunities to find those that are currently open in Search all agricultural programs and services. The filters include the type of support, such as “COVID-19 specific programs” or “Sector specific programs” such as the Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment Program.
Youth Employment and Skills Program
provides a wage subsidy to employers who hire youth for agricultural jobs.